
ARDAT MODBUS Analyzer (yAMAto) is simple, yet powerful tool for logging and analyzing MODBUS communication. It provides:

  • supported: MODBUS/RTU @ serial port, MODBUS @ TCP, MODBUS/RTU @ TCP,
  • reading unlimited number of registers from unlimited number of addresses (devices),
  • data representation can be set to each register,
  • real-time plotting in simple charts,
  • real-time logging to text files and Excel sheets,
  • Windows and GNU/Linux compatible.


The software is fully compatible with our MONITOR hardware, which can be used as MODBUS (RTU/TCP) or Simatic S7 datalogger, GSM gateway (incl. secure Simatic remote programming) and connection to ARDAT Cloud Service.

You can try the demodownload here. This version is limited to maximum two registers. It requires JRE version at least 1.8.

Full version is available for academic and educational purposes for free!