ARDAT MODBUS Analyzer (yAMAto) is simple, yet powerful tool for logging and analyzing MODBUS communication. It provides:
- supported: MODBUS/RTU @ serial port, MODBUS @ TCP, MODBUS/RTU @ TCP,
- reading unlimited number of registers from unlimited number of addresses (devices),
- data representation can be set to each register,
- real-time plotting in simple charts,
- real-time logging to text files and Excel sheets,
- Windows and GNU/Linux compatible.
The software is fully compatible with our MONITOR hardware, which can be used as MODBUS (RTU/TCP) or Simatic S7 datalogger, GSM gateway (incl. secure Simatic remote programming) and connection to ARDAT Cloud Service.
You can try the demo – download here. This version is limited to maximum two registers. It requires JRE version at least 1.8.
Full version is available for academic and educational purposes for free!